Gamma Knife Surgery

Initial Diagnosis

Sue had suffered from epilepsy for many years. Recently her seizures had
 become more frequent, so she consulted with a neurologist recommended by
 her doctor, who performed a myriad of tests and concluded that the best
 approach was Gamma Knife surgery. Sue was concerned about the health 
effects of Gamma Knife surgery, in which beams of gamma radiation are used
 to treat brain lesions.

MORE Health Co-Diagnosis Analysis

Sue contacted MORE Health who assigned her case to Dr. Robert Knowlton,
 who specializes in diagnosing complex cases of epilepsy. MORE Health collected 
Sue's medical records, including her CT Scans and MRIs, and made those 
available for Dr. Knowlton, who concluded that Gamma Knife surgery would be 
a critical mistake for Sue's type of epilepsy and would pose significant health risks without any corresponding benefits. Instead, Sue needed to undergo further observation to determine the appropriate medication for her epilepsy.

The Outcome

Since beginning her new medication Sue has not experienced a seizure.

The average 12 months cost of Gamma Knife surgery ranges from $23,069 to $46,293.
J. Clin. Neurosci., “A cost comparative study of Gamma Knife radiosurgery versus open surgery for intracranial pathology” (2015)

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